You’re kind of a big deal. Everything you say and do is influencing the world around you (for better or worse), so why not do your best to be your best? And the nice thing is you already have everything you need to succeed… you! After doing these 10 things (repeatedly, of course) give yourself a “woohoo,” “hooray,” and a “yippee” (while standing, clapping, and smiling in the mirror).
1. Be Good. Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, your behaviour does. And, your intentions don’t count as much as your actions.
2. Be Real and Be Honest about it. Authenticity can be faked, but full transparency is what is important, so be real and honest through and through. Also, use your common sense rather than listening to “experts” (including us) to decide if others are being true to you.
3. Give. And then Give Some More. It feels good, it makes the world go round, and what you put out there comes back to you.
4. Be Yourself. Don’t try so hard to differentiate yourself. Instead, take the time to learn and be proud of what makes you different.
5. Do Stuff. The best strategic plan to be awesome is called “Doing Things.” As Yoda said, “Do or not do, there is no try.”
6. Learn the Rules and then Play Better. Learn the rules of the game of life (your own rules). And then play it better than anyone else.
7. Take Risks and Make Mistakes. Knowledge comes from experience. Information is not knowledge. The only source of true knowledge comes from living and working at it.
8. Try Something Else. If what you’re doing isn’t working for you, it’s time to change it up. Change can feel very inconvenient but it’s totally worth it- you’ll only know this feeling once you go in the different direction.
9. Pay Attention, Get Outraged, and Live Outside Your Box Every Day. Because if you aren’t outraged, then you just aren’t paying attention.
10. Make a Positive Difference. Remember, “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.”- “Our” African Proverb.
Doesn’t being awesome feel awesome?