They say you should choose your battles wisely, and we couldn’t agree more. Those who know us, know that we’re not afraid of a little confrontation here and there (how else are we going to bring about change?). We’ll be the first to admit we find ourselves outraged quite often, but we know it’s because we’re paying close attention, and it’s benefiting us – sometimes even all of us. The following are things we absolutely will not accept, and we don’t think you should either.
1. Anything or anyone who makes you feel inadequate. People make judgements based on their own insecurities about themselves. Albert Einstein said “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” You are capable. Don’t let anything or anyone convince you otherwise.
2. Dishonesty. Nothing good can come from a lie. Nothing. You’re not sparing our feelings. It’s not better for us in the long run. The truth might be tough to swallow sometimes, but it’s always the better option.
3. People who bring you down. These people are such a drag, literally. Take notice of which people are weighing you down, and which lift you up, and choose wisely who you spend your time with. If you’ve had a particularly poor experience with someone, you might want to read this.
4. A messy environment. We’re talking about everything from clutter to chemicals, no thank you, let’s clean it up! If we all looked after the space around us, together we could make a huge difference. Here are 30 things we do to clean up the home, and 18 things we do to clean up the office. Join us in The Wellness Intelligence Collective for a live session on A Healthy Home.
5. Labels that lie and the companies that create them. Companies should be responsible for the claims they make, the ingredients they list, and the impact they have on the environment. We want (and deserve, and should demand!) full disclosure. (refer to #2)
6. Greed. No thing is worth holding onto so tightly. Giving helps others, builds relationships, and just feels good.
7. Mediocrity. Getting by might seem like the easy way out, but at the end of the day, wouldn’t you rather accomplish something you can be proud of? Give a damn! Take risks! Make change!
8. Unhealthy Food. As Ann Wigmore said “The food you eat can either be the safest & most powerful medicine, or the slowest form of poison.” No poison for us, please.
9. All work and no play. We’re fortunate our work can sometimes feel like play, but we also make sure to take time to enjoy other activities, meet new people, and spend time with our fams. Play is crucial to our sanity and to bringing fresh ideas back to work.
10. Inaction. We like to move it, move it, because that’s how stuff gets done! Be a hero, not a road block.
“They” also say you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff, but we’re going to have disagree with whoever “they” are on this one, because we think you should.