Instead of a resolution (or 10), let’s make 2013 all about accomplishing as much as we can, on our own terms. Don’t worry about future goals as much as this actual moment, and now THIS actual moment, and now THIS actual moment….you get it.You can make change, personally and/or professionally – for yourself, for your family or widely in your community and beyond. Once you get started, action and change will surely be your favourite addiction with the most incredible outcomes…short term, and long term.
Here’s how to get this year started…starting right now:
1. Light the fire underneath you. What’s bothering you? What is driving you off the wall crazy? Now, stop whining about it, and shift that outrage to motivate you in the direction of the solution.
2. Don’t just talk about it. Be about it. Have your actions align with your words, and be fully transparent about what you are doing and why you are doing it.
3. Vote. Every time you spend your money, you are voting for the type of world you want. Get connected to your purchases and know what you are encouraging more of with each purchase you make.
4. Lead by example. Walk the walk and you’ll inspire others to do more, become more, and learn more. This makes you a natural leader (also refer back to #2).
5. Just. Do. Stuff. Don’t come up with an idea and then spend time doing research. Through your learning and experience, the ideas that come up naturally will be the best ones to then act on. Trust in yourself and the process.
6. Stick with it. I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’ll be worth it. As Einstein said, “It’s not that I am so smart, I just stick with problems longer.”
7. Motivate those around you – near and far. Motivating the committed outperforms persuading the uncommitted. There are other people who are going to share your passion and enthusiasm for your cause. Build an army for change. Others will follow. I know it. (This is what I do all day, remember?)
8. Use Social Media to spread your message. Social media is a powerful tool to communicate, to share efficiently and effectively, and to amplify all you are doing. Behave online like you would in person at a networking event. Be authentic, be kind, and mingle outside of your immediate circles. Pick a platform or more and go!
9. Keep it simple. Measure your success simply by your progress – and how you feel! We’re all changing the world (for the better just makes more sense).
10. Create a Personal Philosophy. Write your favourite motivational quote, your mantra, some perspective, or your commitment to yourself and post somewhere as a daily reminder. Click here for what I wrote.
Here’s to…
Surrounding ourselves with positive people,
Cheering each other on,
Celebrating each others victories, and,
Embracing and championing change…together.Happy, healthy 2013 to you ALL.PS: If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.- “My” African Proverb