We carry around a lot in our bags: our personal belongings, our personalities, our fashion sense, our common sense and our actual cents. We lug our lives around in our handbags and you must admit, there is something fascinating about seeing what others have underneath their flaps and inside those zippered compartments.
Most women (and some men) live by the motto, “Be Prepared”, making their handbags an essential accessory for every outing, as it holds all essentials. Simple bag-o-nomics – the more we demand, the more they supply. We do need to face the often unattractive truths behind the stuff we buy because being connected to our purchases will help us make better choices and that matters. Launch your own investigations into the stuff you put in and on your body, the stores and the companies you give your hard earned money to, and the products you put in your bag.
Now here’s the required transaction – read through Bag-o-nomics 101 and then dump out your bag, edit and reorganize. It’s a guarantee that you’ll end up with a lighter load on our world and maybe on your shoulder, too.