Whatever your current eco-sins are, don’t beat yourself up or feel too badly. Instead, pat yourself on the back for even caring to do right, and pick one thing to focus on at a time.
Going green should overwhelm us…we have done a lot, and accepted a lot that has been and continues to be damaging. Use your own common sense and choose things that are a challenge, and that involve modifying habits, but don’t try and tackle the impossible. Reversing long-standing behaviors and routines is one of the most challenging things to do (I still haven’t figured out how to get 5 kids to karate in the middle of a workday without my minivan). Please remember as you read newspapers, magazines, blogs, surf through websites and stare in amazement at tv shows telling you what to do, what is wrong, what is a false wrong, and so on and so on, that it’s BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY! Don’t get caught up in the debate, just choose to simplify. If we wait until we’re absolutely certain, we’ve probably waited too long.