We spoke with Danielle and Briana, the founder and CEO of Faced Vegan Makeup Artistry. Their team of professional, certified makeup artists use 100% organic and vegan makeup and skin care products. We found out what to look for on your cosmetic labels, why they keep their makeup in the fridge, and their top beauty secret (that doesn’t cost a thing).
You’re makeup artists, but it doesn’t look like you wear much makeup, if any. Why? How?
Although we are makeup artists, our main focus is the health of our skin. With flawless skin you don’t need much makeup. We believe that less is more, both in terms of ingredients in your products, and how much makeup you wear. Once you have learned how to properly apply makeup that will enhance and highlight your own unique features, you don’t need much at all. Natural beauty is best!
What’s the difference between conventional and vegan makeup?
There are many differences between conventional makeup products compared to the vegan and non-toxic makeup products that FACED uses, but the overall difference are the benefits they have on your skin and health, our environment, and the lives of animals! Ingredients, ingredients, ingredients! (we agree! when something beautiful, affordable and made from ethical, safe ingredients is available, why even consider other options?)
Is clean, organic makeup good enough, or is vegan makeup better for me?
When purchasing makeup that says “organic” or “all natural” on the label, you still have to be conscious of what ingredients are going into those products. Anyone can put a label that says “all natural” on almost anything, and although products may be labeled as having organic ingredients, they may also contain animal bi-products and plenty of toxic ingredients.
How long does it take you to do your makeup?
When getting ready in the morning for a full days work, it will take us around 5- 10 minutes to take care of our skin and apply our makeup. For a night out, it will generally take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes to really achieve a bold eye and lip.
We all want our makeup to hold up throughout the day, especially brides. Does vegan makeup last?
YES, vegan makeup does last! Many people have the misinterpretation that because the ingredients in vegan makeup are more “natural” they won’t last as long as synthetic products, but this is far from the truth. Vegan makeup does take some getting used to because it’s consistency and application methods are very different from standard makeup products, but once you get the hang of it, and learn how to apply and set the products properly it will last all day and all night in any climate. And it’s definitely fit for a bride!
The products that we use are not only vegan, but contain raw ingredients as well. These products keep all plant based ingredients raw in order to maintain the healing properties of their living enzymes, thus why having to keep them refrigerated. These non altered ingredients work with the chemical structure of your skin, rather than against it. Some people may think it is inconvenient to have to go to your fridge every morning to get your makeup, but most people have a glass of water or juice, or maybe even breakfast before applying their makeup, and that is the perfect time to grab your makeup from the fridge. It may seem inconvenient at first, but it is a lifestyle choice, a choice to better your health and the health of our planet.
Which do you enjoy more: makeup application or education?
Being able to do someone’s makeup allows us to be the artists, to accentuate the beautiful, natural and unique features of each individual we come into contact with. The education on the other hand is where our true passion lies. Understanding the positive effects of what ingredients you put onto your skin, for your health and our environment, and the massive impact you can make just by changing your cosmetics.
Can people just buy colours they like, or are there rules to choosing products that will suit us best?
If people are attracted to certain colours or products, by all means they can go ahead and purchase those products and practice applying them. However, because clean vegan makeup products are different than your standard makeup products, we HIGHLY recommend booking an educational workshop to learn all of the tips and trick on how to proper use all products. It is also best to book an educational session so that a professional can recommend the best colours suited for your hair, skin and eye colours.
Is it really bad to go to sleep with makeup on?
It is definitely not good to go to sleep with your makeup on, but more importantly it is important that we wash our faces every night before we go to bed in order to cleanse our skin of all of the hundreds of toxins that we come into contact with on a daily basis. It is so very important to cleanse and rejuvenate our skin each and everyday!
Your secrets for clear, glowing skin?
Our secret for clear and glowing skin is health. What we put into our bodies and onto our skin makes a different, but staying on top of your spiritual and mental health will exude through your pores!
A tip for young girls who are just being introduced to cosmetics?
For any young girls who are just beginning to experiment with cosmetics, our advice is to first educate yourself on ingredients so that you know what you are putting into your body. Second always remember that less is more! When applying makeup to the proper areas of the face to accentuate one’s natural features, you don’t need much makeup at all. It’s when we apply too much makeup, and try to look like someone else, that makeup is not as flattering.
For more information or to book a service, visit facedveganmakeup.com. Tweet with them at @FacedVeganMUA, Like them on Facebook and on Instagram too.