In an attempt to make sure our kids don’t hate us, and our neighbours, family and friends don’t ridicule us (although some of us may have gotten used to this by now – especially me), this post will provide you with useful resources and suggestions – hoping we can all together, inspire a less scary Halloween (since, boycotting the holiday altogether is a little ambitious and un-spirited – for this year anyways).
EAT & GIVE SWEET TREATS: You can indulge and give away sweets! Here are our choice treats that will keep our kids away from GMOs and other harmful ingredients (artificial sweeteners, colours, and flavourings), while still allowing them to enjoy the sweet rush of Halloween with your neighbourhood, friends and community.
REVERSE TRICK-OR-TREAT. That’s right, it’s a “thing”! Instead of taking candy, my family GIVES a piece of organic, fair-trade, and nut-free candy or chocolate. We find it’s also helpful to hand people an explanation of what we’re are doing so they might not be spooked themselves.
CARVE AN ORGANIC PUMPKIN LIKE YOU MEAN IT. Pick up an organic pumpkin from your local farmer and enjoy . (Then bake and enjoy the seeds too!).
BE ALLERGY AWARE + FRIENDLY. Have you heard about The Teal Pumpkin Project? that will keep Halloween (and well beyond) safe and fun for all!
GAIN MORE PERSPECTIVE. You’ll never buy a chocolate bar the same way again after you read, “Your Candy Bar Was Made By Child Slaves.”
Years ago, we created our . Scan our still-relevant resources and adopt as many of our simple suggestions for a smarter, healthier Halloween, and then choose to share them with others.