Did you know that kale tastes best after the first frost? Even though we enjoy kale all summer long, from the market and from my front “lawn” (front farm might be more accurate descriptor), kale is a cold weather crop, and frost actually enhances the flavour! So, in celebration of one of my favourite dark-leafy greens, [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”via @bordenteam”]I’ve put together a list of my favourite kale-related things[/inlinetweet].
1/ Not all Kale Chips are Created Equal Here’s how to make sure you’re getting the most delicious, nutritious kale chips, every time!
2/ Sosnicki Organics Ben and Jessie Sosnicki have been my favourite source of produce at markets in Toronto for years, and they are always one of my first stops. Their kale (not to mention their onions, tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers, peas, peppers, corn, cabbage and everything they grow) is just the best, and I’m quite sure it’s because when happy, passionate, committed people are growing your food from the best seeds, it tastes better. Find them at Brick Works Farmers’ Market.
3/ The Tale of Kale Five years ago, my daughter Joey wrote a story about my youngest son, Andy, trying kale in its various forms until finally finding one he liked – it took a LOT of trying. It’s called The Tale of Kale. I turned it into a children’s book, worked with an amazing illustrator, and self-published it. From my family, (my work family and my own family), to yours, enjoy this ode to trying new things – you can even take the pledge as a family!
4/ Young Urban Farmers Want to know the secret to growing my own kale (and everything else in my edible garden)? I work with Chris Wong of Young Urban Farmers. Growing food in your backyard is their business – and not only are they super knowledgeable, but they’re friendly too. Ask them about growing your own kale for next season!
Here’s to good food this fall and winter.