We have all heard about the many reasons we should shop local. It might mean shopping for food directly from your farmer at the market, or shopping an indie store instead of a big box store. It can be something as simple as choosing your frozen peas based on where they were grown (which is always on the package!), or eating at a restaurant that is not part of a chain and supports a better food system. It could also be using a local service rather than one overseas, hiring homegrown talent, ordering online from Canadian companies instead of international ones, or buying from a crafts-maker in your community instead of mass-produced goods.
We should always buy the most local possible, and beyond that, as a Canadian, and a proud Canadian small business, [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”via @bordenteam”]I choose to support what’s homegrown![/inlinetweet] Buying local (and healthy) means our purchases have a smaller environmental impact (as their products don’t have as far to travel to get to you), it keeps money in our community, it supports local job creation, and supports local small business owners – your neighbours! Every time we choose to support companies that treat our land, animals, and people the best possible, we are making a HUGE difference. Every dollar we spend is a vote for more of that product or service. It has an impact! So, let’s choose to vote for the right stuff.
Click here to read our (short)list of a few our our favourite truly, and purely Canadian brands*
*It’s a big community and country, so find your favourites, support them, and then share with others!