All of our #MeToo stories involve others, whether they have intentionally acted, contributed unknowingly, or remained silent. We send virtual hugs to all who have come forward and posted “Me Too” in order to show the magnitude of this epidemic.
Unfortunately, awareness is NOT enough. It’s great when enough awareness and outrage leads to the action and change we need and deserve, but it isn’t enough. We cannot remain silent, victimize ourselves, or suffer alone, no matter what our story or self-talk might be, we must speak out and stand up for ourselves – in order to help ourselves, but also to help each other. It takes a village.
If perpetrators would take responsibility on social media and say “No More”, wouldn’t it have more impact than (mostly women) sharing “Me Too”? If offenders would post that they will no longer offend or be complicit, and if they might share how they will support others with decency, then this would serve as a commitment to being accountable for creating the kind of kindness, respect and humanity our world desperately needs.
Please, let’s also dedicate ourselves to speaking up and interfering the next time we hear of, or see, something happening that we know is wrong.
Being silent perpetuates suffering. Let’s speak out, we are better together.