It’s October—the leaves are changing colours, our front stoops showcase our orange pumpkins, the first frosts make our gardens white in the morning, and everywhere I look, virtually and in person, I see pink.
Despite the lovely pink ribbon, toxic ingredients are still polluting us. Maybe it’s just the cynic in me, but I think it should be common-sense that we can’t shop our way to a cure – especially by listening to companies who claim to be supporting us and fighting breast cancer, while selling products that can contribute to causing the very disease. I’d rather put my money towards cleaning up our water, buying organic food (even pink ones!), or saving the bees, for example, over adding a bunch of pink ribbons to our (already way too big) trash piles.
A few things to do this October (or any month) to be part of the solution:
1/ Watch Pink Ribbons Inc. Really, please watch this documentary. You can rent or download it from the NFB here.
2/ Question everything you buy, and avoid pink-labelled or ribboned products that are likely just part of the problem. Question the safety of the item, who made it and what good it will do for you, and consider if substantial dollars are being donated to do something meaningful and worthwhile. From clothing and snacks, to cosmetics and beverages, we can make better choices.
3/ Read stuff. Here are our favourite clean living books that we feel are both helpful and uplifting. Also take the time to read and understand the politics of breast cancer.
4/ Google “Pinkwashing” and learn how rampant it is, then, pass it on.
5/ Learn to cook and enjoy your meals at home more. Here are my favourite books about food and cookbooks to get you started with fresh, healthy perspective and easy (delicious) recipes.
6/ Clean up your kitchen. From the pantry, to your reusables (the less plastic the better), from your freezer to your cookware and appliances.
7/ Get Social. If you are involved in social media, share content to share the anti-pinkwashing and pro-health message. It makes a difference. You can start with this one that I posted if you wish.