You may have noticed I’ve been posting and sharing a lot of photos of the food we are eating (because it supports the amazing farmers, food makers and independent stores that I purchase from) and memes that make us giggle (because laughter is such good medicine) and photos of the garden or walks (because getting outdoors and moving my body offers me sanity and fitness … wellness in every dimension).
I don’t share these photos to impress, but in hopes of having an impact … I do so with gratitude, understanding and a deep appreciation of my privilege and good fortune to be able to live this way, especially now.
But … the struggle and grief is never far from my mind or heart. For the first time, all of us … around the whole world, are experiencing the same thing in our own ways … a global perk up … chaos … a reset … a new way of life. As my youngest son said the other day while telling a story, “that was when we could touch things from other people”. What will the other side of the curve look like? All I know is that we cannot hang on to what was, or we will be disappointed, or left behind.
When I listen to or read about people taking “sides” or being so completely certain about their perspective, about anything from mask wearing to how to spend their days, I am so confused – I’m not without judgment myself, but I do believe that we’ve never been more “in this together”….and “this” means everything and everyone!
Can we please work together to find new ways with a solutions-focused, compassionate mindset?
This month end, we couldn’t decide what to share that might bring a smile but still honour these intense times, to offer hope, but acknowledge struggle… how can we put into words what we’re experiencing through these completely new situations? Well, unprecedented times call for unprecedented language so we can share that! We seem to be quickly filling in the gaps in our vocabulary with inventions in order to describe our personal experiences and private environments. Life before the pandemic was “Pre-Rona”, and our belief in an optimistic future takes place “Post-Rona”.
We hope the glossary in our roundup helps us have more of an understanding towards ourselves and feel closer to each other… creating a brand new language for brand new circumstances.
One of the glaring lessons of this all? There is always opportunity to ponder life, what is important and where we have room for growth.
(Oh, and please share your favourite terms with us, too – we love hearing from you!)