One of our favourite sayings continues to be, “If you aren’t outraged, then you just aren’t paying attention”.
Our focus is less about the “outrage” and more about the realization that if we were all connected to what we were doing/saying/sharing/buying/eating every day, there would be WAY less for us to rant about. Yet, here we are … and we do love a good rant, so, this month, we are highlighting (some of) our outrage.
As for managing outrage/frustration/fear in our lives, it seems that most of us can be peaceful in an environment where there is harmony and common sense. But, being able to remain centered and grounded when we feel uncomfortable, frustrated, and annoyed can be incredibly challenging … perhaps a familiar theme of 2020? No matter how well we can self-regulate, there will always be factors and people that are beyond our “control”. How we respond to these experiences to a great degree determines the quality of our lives … the quality of our work, our relationships, and our health. The more we can eliminate annoyances and manage our own behaviour to be able to handle even the most aggravating of situations more gracefully, the more we can grow patience, tolerance, and acceptance (and the more we develop and discover our Wellness Intelligence).
In the presence of people and experiences that we find annoying, we have an opportunity to do something with the information we learn (if paying attention) to better ourselves, our families, our community, and the world at large. We are inspired by our clients and how their businesses have been created as a solution to something that annoyed them … an unacceptable void in the market!
Fortunately for most of us, our lives offer an abundance of opportunity to ride the “ups and downs” because there is SO MUCH that is SO OUTRAGEOUS! So keep an open mind, open heart, and open eyes … speak up, get outraged, but breathe, and live in the moment, and be open to change! Remember, this is life.
This month, we’re sharing (just a few of the things) that are really annoying us right now … please click around and consider the opportunity … don’t simply focus on the outrage part!