Every week we feature one good human from TWIC. This week’s member highlight is Brian Phillips … he has a big heart, a small footprint and cuts Lisa’s hair (not as often as he suggests!). Brian is a self-proclaimed “Green Beauty Trailblazer” and “worldCITIZEN” … he didn’t just join the green beauty industry, he has helped carve it out. Brian was born in Georgetown Guyana, moved to London, England when he was three years old and then to Montreal when he was eight. In the mid 1980’s he moved to Toronto and has called it home since. Brian opened worldSALON and put solar panels on the roof, cutting costs and cutting carbon … and what he does inside includes cutting toxins, hair and sharing love (and style). After a decade of being a hairstylist, Brian developed a serious case of contact dermatitis on his hands. He soon discovered that perm solution and hair gel were the culprits along with all of the other toxic chemicals used every day, especially in the beauty industry. This was his “conversion experience”, providing the impetus to become all about the world!
Click HERE to read my full interview with Brian in The Wellness Intelligence Collective
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