Every week we feature one good human from TWIC. This week’s member highlight is Kev Self … a “human designer”, and a deep thinker and feeler who really knows the power of giving. I am inspired by his spirit and generosity of self … no pun intended. I met Kev during an online course we shared in the fall of 2020 … and after a brief and heart-full email exchange about my book, No Worries, and life, we shared some warm and challenging conversations that nudged us into refining our website copy …. which is an everlasting project of ours. We continue to share virtual experiences that matter and look forward to running with Kev in real life … after reading my interview with him, you might want to join us, and we welcome that!
Click HERE to read my full interview with Kev in The Wellness Intelligence Collective
(if you are not yet a member (it’s free), you’ll be prompted to join first)