Imagine a sudden and striking realization that allows you to understand that you are leading and affecting others in extraordinary ways … whether you are a good friend, a consumer, a parent, or a teacher, you are likely creating and offering Thunderbolt Moments all day, every day … especially when you understand and appreciate who you are and what you are doing.
Picture a rainstorm as your day.
Imagine the thunderbolts in the stormy sky as moments that the storm leaves with you … or with others.
How can you consciously create and connect to Thunderbolt Moments? When someone affects you positively on purpose or just by being them, how about speaking up and expressing your positive thoughts, and observations? You can have a huge and meaningful impact.
When you are privy to a Thunderbolt Moment from others, stop and express your gratitude and appreciation for how it has impacted you.
When you realize that the little things are really the big things, it can offer you inspiration and purpose as you go about your day … personally and professionally. Every day.
A kind word to a stranger, a smile from a random passer-by, or a compliment from a respected teacher can help build your inner strength and confidence. Slow down and look for Thunderbolt Moments whether you are the giver or the receiver. You never know when a Thunderbolt Moment might arrive or occur.
Our philosophy is that the world can be a better place if we choose to be kind, enrich each others lives, and consciously share what is special in an everyday moment.
A reminder that you make a difference, that everything you do makes a difference.
These differences can be positive or negative … it’s your choice … your Thunderbolt Moments … your legacy.
Here’s to us all creating (and noticing) more sparks!
Call to action:
Reach out to someone right now who sparked a Thunderbolt Moment for you … and might not know about it! Thank them for the impact they have had on your life.