A simple-yet-powerful analogy for how and why one finds him/her/themself giving away him/her/their choices and heading in the wrong direction.
Consider this …
If you were on a bus and discovered that it was headed in the wrong direction, what would you do? Wouldn’t you just get off?
Buying toxic products, lifting weights improperly, eating processed food, following fad diets, wearing ill-fitting shoes, drinking water from plastic bottles, wasting resources … these are all examples of how, as a society, we disconnect ourselves from so many of our choices. This is being on the Wrong Bus.
The good news: You can get off the Wrong Bus at any time. You have the ability … you have the power to make choices for yourself … good ones … conscious ones.
You make so many choices on a daily basis and you are directly responsible for what you choose to do, or not do.
Be curious, inform yourself, and then take action with what you’ve learned. You have every right to control the direction of your own life.
Get on the Right Bus! …