White is inherently positive and pure. Although not technically a colour, this brilliant “absence of colour” is associated with cleanliness, flow, illumination, clarity, faith, spirituality, protection, softness, and perfection. We associate white with creating successful beginnings … it clears emotional clutter, cleanses your thoughts, and can make you believe that anything is possible.
This is your opportunity to connect with the colour’s beauty, health, and diversity in our shared world …expand the foods you nourish yourself with and get out into nature … colour is an amazing guide!
The White Challenge:
Eat something white.
Try jicama, dragonfruit, white pears, cannellini beans, cauliflower, parsnips, or daikon radish. What is your favourite white food? Can you try something new? How do white foods make you feel? Did you know white foods are immune boosting? Do you eat a rainbow every day?
Connect to something in nature that is white.
Snow, clouds, the moon, milkweed, storks, swans, rabbits, winter squash, or dogwood … look around. When you go outside, are you conscious of all that surrounds you? Does it take you to a place of awe and wonder? What is nature gifting you today?
Explore our other posts about colours here.