Wellness Intelligence is full-spectrum and multi-dimensional … explore our eight dimensions of wellness and boost your Wellness Intelligence.
Physical Wellness relates to the complete care of your physical body for optimal health and functioning through movement, exercise, nutrition, sleep, and a commitment to yourself.
Mental Wellness relates to a state of balance, confidence and comfort with your coping skills, instincts, stress management, and conduct … a connection to how you think, feel, and behave.
Emotional Wellness relates to the discipline of productive and healthful choices you make in processing the spectrum of emotions you encounter in response to your daily experiences … including self-care, relaxation, stress reduction, inner strength, satisfying relationships.
Spiritual Wellness relates to the confidence that gives meaning to your existence and sense of purpose … how your actions affect your life and others’ lives … your beliefs, values and morals.
Intellectual Wellness relates to your curiosity, exploration, and the expansion of your knowledge base and skillset … always be open-minded and never stop learning.
Social Wellness relates to the comfort of connection to contributing, belonging to, and interacting with your friends, family, colleagues, and community
Environmental Wellness relates to having a powerful respect for your surroundings … where you live, work, and play … taking action to repair and protect the Earth and living in harmony with your environment.
Financial Wellness relates to your ability to successfully manage your money … being grateful and satisfied with what you have, and appreciating that every dollar you spend casts a vote for what you want more of in the world.
Wellness Intelligence matters. Everything we do and every emotion we feel relates to our well-being which directly affects how we live our life. All of the dimensions of Wellness Intelligence are interrelated and equally vital in the pursuit of optimal wellbeing.