Every week we feature a good human from TWIC. This week’s member highlight is Tamay Jentjens … LifeForce student, coach, mentor, and a gentle spirit with a warm smile and a lovely German accent! He believes that courage, serenity, freedom and lightness are your natural state and can work with those interested in rising to their full power to realize this … and beyond. We connected in a small organic and eco-happy grocery store in Tulum because of the minimalist shoes he was wearing, followed each other on social media, and met for lunch … where we didn’t order food but sat for hours talking. We spoke about creating some breakout sessions on TWIC (perhaps coming soon), and I was fortunate enough to experience a session with Tamay involving movement, mobility, breathwork … releasing tension with a lightness of being. Tamay holds safe trusted space and it’s apparent that he loves what he does and is a forever student himself.
Click HERE to read my full interview with Tamay in The Wellness Intelligence Collective
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