Why do we talk about rest when it comes to building a “Better Business”? Why does it have to do with creative and meaningful marketing? We believe that discovering your Wellness Intelligence supports you rest better, and when you rest better, you feel better, you are more creative and focused, you are in a better mood, you can manage much more in your every day, no matter what your tasks and activities might be. We are here to offer you the scaffolding to realize human potential. One of the things we like to address is “rest” … rest is not simply about the sleep you get … it’s much broader than that.
Status quo conditions us to be “busy” rather than encouraging us to carve out periods of rest and recovery. The practice of healthful and purposeful rest will ultimately take you to a place of a greater, fuller understanding of who you are. It will teach you how to trigger your mind’s relaxation response, which shifts you out of a sympathetic state and into a parasympathetic state, initiating healing and restoration … reducing stress and worry … supporting you in your day.
Resting “well” is essential to your day-to-day balance, longevity, and caring for yourself.
Now … how can you get better rest? Prioritize sound sleep, practice restorative postures, gain more of an understanding of your nervous system (join us in The Wellness Intelligence Collective for a session on Better Sleep) or …
1. Take a little time “away” … safe space or a physical location change … even to a friend’s house.
2. Take alone time at home … a solitude recharge … is this possible?
3. Treat yourself to a massage, water therapy, sauna … at your home or at a spa.
4. Give yourself permission to be “unproductive”.
5. Unplug from everyday responsibility.
6. Connect to Nature … breathe your biome.
7. Sound bathe … ask us for referrals or more information if you aren’t yet familiar.
8. Do something creative … play.
9. Explore the art of napping.
Remember that everything is connected, so when you prioritize rest, you will positively affect the rest of your life. Go you!