The Power of Yet is the idea that you are capable of continued improvement, growth, learning, and doing better.
Consider this …
The things that you can’t do or the things you don’t understand, are simply things you can’t do … yet, and don’t understand … yet.
The more we teach and advise, the more firmly we have witness that a growth mindset is a cornerstone for learning. Carol Dweck’s book Mindset describes two kinds of mindset: fixed and growth. When you recognize the difference between these two mindsets, the value of making mistakes and the importance of struggle in learning becomes more clear. According to Dweck, when you have a fixed mindset, you believe that your basic abilities, intelligence, and talents are set and will not change in any meaningful way. With a growth mindset, you thrive on challenge and believe that your abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort, learning, and persistence.
The Power of Yet is a powerful foundation that amplifies and supports the love of lifelong learning and is key in motivating you to persevere through the challenges, trials, and tribulations that you face in everyday life.
When you put in constant effort, ask more questions, use the answers, and try new things, you improve, grow, learn, and do “better”.
The Power of Yet prepares you for the future … both short and long term … and helps you believe that anything is possible.
You’re not done…yet.