Every week we feature a good human from TWIC. This week’s member highlight is Andy Storm … he is my youngest son and a bright shining light. Andy was born 6 weeks early in 2007 after six months of bedrest and many hospital visits … at the time, Rob and I were concerned with his health and mine, but now we recognize that he was getting us to slow down, figure out what is truly important in life, and to make it crystal clear that he was always going to beat to his own drum (and actually now plays drums too) – and be the boss of our family :). For anyone that has met Andy, in “real life” or in our Learning Labs and online sessions, it’s likely that he made you smile, laugh, or possibly gasp. Hopefully the interview with his honest and to-the-point answers and all of the photos we included will have you doing the same.
Click HERE to read my full interview with Andy in The Wellness Intelligence Collective
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