Do you take chlorella and/or spirulina?
These super-greens are forms of algae that have impressive nutrient profiles and potential health benefits. They are said to help detox heavy metals, lower risk factors of heart disease, improve blood sugar management, they are a complete source of protein, and deliver antioxidants which neutralize free radicals in your body to prevent damage to cells and tissues . But…
Not All Chlorella and Spirulina is Created Equal.
If you’re going to take these super-greens, it’s important to obtain chlorella or spirulina from a tested source due to the potential for contamination, says University of Rochester Medical Center. Spirulina can be tainted with microbes, radioactive metal ions and heavy metals — including mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic. Harvard Health Publishing adds that spirulina, like other dietary supplements, is not regulated by the FDA. Therefore, there’s no guarantee that any supplement you buy will be free of contaminants or contain the amount of spirulina indicated on the label. (Source)
Listen to the video below with Bridgitte Longshore from Giddy Yo (who we buy our Chlorella and Spirulina from with confidence!) …. this is simply a short clip from one of our Wellness Intelligence Breaks (join us every Wednesday at noon for 20 minutes) where Bridgitte shared why she appreciates these super-greens and is committed (understatement!) to sourcing them well. We have also included her written explanations and answers to follow up questions and members wanting more clarity.
We love that Bridgitte has always been super gracious and takes the time to answer all of our questions in The Wellness Intelligence Collective (we have many!).
Find tips for choosing better Spirulina and Chlorella in The Wellness Intelligence Collective.
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