Do you work from home? If you do, it’s vital that you define, set, and keep boundaries between “home” and “work”.
You might have twenty steps from your bed to desk or a few flights of stairs, but even with this short distance, you can make the most of this and beyond. Creating your ideal “Work From Home (WFH) Commute” can be a catalyst for major change and boosted Wellness Intelligence. Work on this and you can have a major (and immediate) impact on all dimensions of your wellness, including your job satisfaction.
What is an ideal “WFH Commute”?
Your “commute” ideally incorporates healthy habits and varied activities and practices … enriching, multi-dimensional, regenerative activities that you consciously choose to do for yourself to nourish your body, mind, and soul and set you up for success at all times of the day. Although this is a simple concept in theory, it is often overlooked … once you see how this can lift your mood, reduce stress, worry and anxiety, create feelings of joy, gratitude, and boost focus and productivity, you will be all in!
What is NOT an ideal “WFH Commute”?
Going from bed to desk without taking the time to nourish yourself. And by “nourish”, it’s not just about eating Kind Food … it’s about nourishing you in every dimension of wellness.
Where do you start?
Keep it simple.
Start with ONE new thing … you don’t have to make this overwhelming! You will find your own rhythm and balance if you keep an open mind and try new things. You will be able to implement habits and learn forms of self-care that are right for you if you keep an open mind and try new things. So try new things with an open mind!
For example, start with:
+ ONE new Exercise Snack
+ ONE new Self-Care Activity
+ ONE short walk outdoors
Know your Why (and more).
When you know WHY you are doing something, you will enjoy it more, participate with more intention, and realize the benefits. We always share the why … and if not enough, ask us for more WHY!
List Pros and Cons.
Create a simple pros and cons list when designing your “WFH Commute”. Write down things you enjoy about your morning routine, whether it’s meeting someone for a coffee, a trip to the gym, walking the dog, or listening to a podcast. Think about the activity’s value in your life, if you truly enjoyed it, and how it made you feel. Think about the things you don’t enjoy and write those down too. Commit to including pros and excluding the cons.
Keep learning and evolving your routine
Variety works for you for many reasons … it will support and serve you “well”. We share one new Exercise Snack every week, and one new Self-Care activity/practice every week in addition to our Learning Labs and sessions to make sure you always have new things to explore and implement.
Try this great series to get you started getting from bed to desk in good form:
Stomp your feet … you won’t believe how this changes your first steps! Click here to learn how and why.
Flood your body with a Waterfall. Find our whole protocol including some recipes here … yes, we have recipes for your water!
Dry Brush! We know many of you likely have one of these in your bathroom … use it! We’ve created a quick and effective routine for you … find it here.
We’ve created a “cue cube” for you … we are not just about telling you what to do, but helping you form healthy habits! Find it here.
Joint mobilizations are natural, therapeutic movement patterns designed to improve range of motion, increase elastic properties of soft tissue associated with the joint, stimulate neuroplasticity, and promote circulation to mobilized areas … a mindful wake up! When you mobilize, you will experience less aches and pains, and joint stiffness. Try Petra Fisher‘s Ankle CARs here … the benefits are AMAZING.
Go for a one-minute (or more) walk outside. One minute is just our way of getting you out the door! Even 60 seconds of fresh air can help your mind switch gears from home to work or clear your head, but, the intention is for you to move for longer than one minute, multiple times per day. Your favourite indoor workouts count as movement too! Active body, active mind!
People are always asking us what we eat for breakfast (and anytime) and what “diet” we follow. Eating Kind Food is our answer. Nourish yourself well according to The Kind Food Plate before you sit down at your desk, and make sure the snacks you keep at your desk and drinks don’t give you spikes and crashes. When you eat and drink well, you will feel well and be more balanced.
Whether you simply Start by Stopping or UnMeditate, you need to consider stillness throughout your day. Did you know that taking a break and resetting your mind, body, and soul actually can make you more alert, connected, and productive? If you feel that you don’t have time to UnMeditate, then it’s definitely time to UnMeditate.
Once you have landed at your desk, continue to take care of yourself. And … be as good to yourself on the way “home” from work, too.
Enjoy a “slump-free” workday. It all starts with an ideal “WFH Commute”.
Please join us for a live Learning Lab called, “Good Mornings“ where we will have fun going through all of these steps and more! You deserve to have a good morning, every morning!
Click HERE to RSVP for upcoming events in The Wellness Intelligence Collective
(if you are not yet a member (it’s free), you’ll be prompted to join first)
Learn more about PYOV (Pay Your Own Value).