Every week we feature a good human from TWIC. This week’s member highlight is Trevor Cape … Trevor is a Career Coach (who has helped thousands of clients at all ages and stages thrive in top companies). He has worked in marketing and is an educator at Schulich ExecEd (with his partner, TWIC member, Nicole Tupechka). He is also a Metaphysical Minster (helping people through significant life transitions), and is co-founding Director of the Centre of Evolution (also with Nicole). All of this is just a slice of Trevor’s titles and activities and I cannot leave out how I met him in real life after years of virtual connection … Trevor’s band, Trevor Cape and the Field, features a rotating cast of inspiring musicians playing original, jam, and classic music and both my son, Ryan and hubby Rob have been fortunate enough to be included (photos included below). Music is a great connector, but there is so much more to Trevor.
Click HERE to read our full interview in The Wellness Intelligence Collective
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