Shortest answer:
A weekly post I write and share exclusively in The Wellness Intelligence Collective (TWIC) to help guide you to do better with what you use and/or consume!
A longer answer:
In conversation (through my work and in life), I am often asked if things are “good” or “bad”… questions like,
“Are tea bags really bad”? (most are) or
“Is chocolate really full of lead?” (it can be!)
“Why do pillows have flame retardants in them?” (great question)
“What tampons are good?” (so much to consider)
or I am challenged with statements like,
“Organic doesn’t mean it’s good for you!” (I agree!)
“It wouldn’t be available if it’s not safe for us.” (absolutely not the case!)
There are so many factors I consider before deciding what might be good or bad, right or wrong … both objectively and subjectively, and it’s always changing. To me, labeling something as good or bad is dangerous and instead, being curious is about learning/unlearning, enlightenment, self-empowerment, and discovery. To have connection to what we are eating or buying, what we are doing, or who we are spending our time with, we all need to consciously be aware of the impact of our choices. So, as I explore and find aha moments and solutions, I share them in a weekly Lesson in Empathy Economics in The Wellness Intelligence Collective.
In 2015, I started writing a column on my “unblog” called, “Not All Equal” … each post was born from my experiences, from your questions and challenges you shared (thank you), and my research. I tried then and my goal is still to keep the details simple, honest, and compelling … and, where there is alarm (too often the case), I focus on sharing solutions (and hope!).
Lessons in Empathy Economics are NOT about fear or feeling hopeless … it’s about us all saying, “oh wow” sometimes and then counting on each other to do better, together.
I am always up for a discussion, debate, and exploration with open-minded, warm-hearted, interesting and interested humans. That’s how I love to learn! Yes, it absolutely can feel overwhelming and it can take longer … but it’s absolutely worth it … I wholeheartedly embrace both the process AND the result. What is the other option? Please feel free to ask me to create a Lesson in Empathy Economics about something you are curious about.
I do hope that what I share weekly (and have already shared in the archive) helps as we all aim to make the best (or least worst) decisions when it comes to what we put our energy, time, and money towards … how we treat ourselves and our world.
+ Click here to access my post about Empathy Economics, including the questions to ask when buying anything.
+ Find the current Lesson in Empathy Economics in The Wellness Intelligence Collective (TWIC) here.
+ Access the complete archive of Lessons in Empathy Economics as a KEY Member in TWIC here.
If you are not yet a member of TWIC (free membership), request to join here, and you will receive a link.
If you would like a tour, and to understand how to best use this studio and the content, please just reach out to me at any time, otherwise, read what’s waiting for you in TWIC and pay attention on Monday mornings when I share a new Lesson in Empathy Economics weekly.