Everything sucks … but is that a chosen mindset or is it your reality?
It seems as though our issues (individually and collectively), often come from our inability to mindfully think and act with consistency. Most everything is a choice … it is our decision how we choose to face our days, even if and when we believe that everything sucks.
If we take the time to think about it (thinking is really awesome!), we might realize (for the most part) that we live on autopilot. We all have our own routines and habits, traditions and conditioning, that carry us through our days/weeks/lives. This means that we don’t have to actually think about many of our regimented activities like brushing our teeth every morning or getting to our Thursday morning yoga class … we just do it.
And, herein lies a big issue … when we are on autopilot, we are somewhat (or entirely) disconnected from what we are doing, disconnected from the “why” of what we are doing, and disconnected from how we really feel about it. We often carry on the way it’s always been done, even when it’s not serving us or others to the fullest because it feels “easier” and we might even believe that this is how we’re supposed to do it. We aren’t consciously deciding or critically thinking, we are just doing. So things can seem suckier, until you realize that you can often choose differently!
When we are more connected to what we are doing and choosing, we make better decisions for ourselves, we tend to be more grateful, we feel happier, and we might even be kinder (seriously)!
Have you noticed that you consistently feel terrible after interacting with a specific person? It doesn’t have to continue to be that way … you can change your perspective, your approach to the time, or if you feel that they might not be a positive influence in your life, you can decide to remove that connection (which can be very challenging but worth it). Once you recognize that what you say yes to and what you say no to results in profound and positive change, you will empower yourself! Another example … try thinking about where every ingredient came from on your plate at your next meal … how does this make you feel? Can you pause for a moment to be grateful before digging in? I guarantee that will significantly change the way you shop, cook, nourish yourself and your family and friends.
We all know that being honest with ourselves and with others can be hard work. From the time we are born, we are bombarded with messages on how we should behave, look, and feel. We are taught what to think, believe, and value. We are conditioned to accept and live by society’s terms rather than connecting to our true selves. We alter our lives to fit the narrative of how we are “supposed” to live. But … we do have the opportunity to filter … we do not have to simply be a sponge.
I read this on Twitter and loved it: “When a photographer can’t change a scene, they change their angle and lens to capture the best of that scene. Similarly, when you can’t change a situation in your life, change your perspective to get the best out of that situation. Try to be a filter, not a sponge. ~ @crazypolymath
Perspective is everything. We are always only one decision away from enjoying our lives. It takes a change of perspective. So, rather than soaking up and being weighed down by each crisis, obstacle, and news headline, let us pause, find focus and clarity, and consider how the information presented is meaningful, how our choices might impact us, and what steps forward we can each take to be a part of a solution to things not sucking.
We know there’s no going back … we are moving forward and learning to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Everything we thought we knew to be “true” has changed … unearthed, and overturned. Now is the time to get connected. It’s always that time!
Let’s turn the suck into stuff that matters … to opportunity.
Hoping that you enjoy clicking a few links in our roundup about things that don’t suck, or at least don’t need to suck. As always, it’s your choice.